Backgrounds Post 4: Use of the Scriptures in the Thessalonian Church

Scripture Use in the Thessalonian Church

Greek background Believer's Culture venerated the spoken word. They had Poetry-literature readings as well as Greek plays. They also listened to orators and Philosophers.
Image result for picture of greek poems readings Reading of Iliad and Oddessy

In 1 Timothy 4:13 Paul wrote to Timothy    'Until I come,, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.' The church had group readings of Scripture, i.e. the Jewish Scriptures.ew Cove
Here were these new Believers who were the beneficiaries of the New Covenant; but the Thessalonian Jews in their synagogue had rejected Jesus the Messiah.
Epistles - Letters.
Timothy had been the Apostolic Envoy and the first to read the Epistles to the Believers at Thessaloniki. It took about half an hour to read each of the Epistles to all the believers, then he gave some verbal instructions, or there exhortations by the leader or Elder of the meeting.
Image result for picture of greek readings of Scripture


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