Explanation of the Text 2. Faith Love and Hope ch 1:3

1Th 1:3  For we never fail to remember your works of faith and labours of love and your persistent and unwavering hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father;

I. What Paul remembered about the Thessalonians.

Paul was always remembering , i.e. mindful or calling to mind these three distinguishing Marks of the Church at Thessaloniki. He never failed or he never left off calling to mind these characteristics.

1. Their Works of Faith. 

Barnes Notes : These were their acts of duty, holiness and benevolence
Works of faith are works which faith prompts. Because they exercised faith in God this resulted in works. James said, "Faith without works is dead."
Works  (ergou, genitive case) the object of  mnemoneuontes : remembering continually. Ergou is the general term for work, business, employment, tasks.
This is the activity which is inspired by faith in God. RWP.
We are justified by faith but REAL FAITH ALWAYS Produces GOOD WORKS.  Romans 6-8 and James 2.

WE had a missionary in the Congo who was a man of Faith. He waited on God for His Direction and Provision. He lives by faith and prayer. He fasted often and God used him in miraculous ways to open many churches, huge churches. After one crusade in Kananga City in his tent he opened six new assemblies and had 2760 registered new believers from those meetings.

May God touch us in our day so we see more Works of faith. The miraculous interventions of God to transform Communities the outcome of faith and believing prayer.


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