Explanation of the Text. 4. Your Persistent unwavering Hope in Jesus and His Father

1Th 1:3  For we never fail to remember your works of faith and labours of love and your persistent and unwavering hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father; 

Persistent and Unwavering Hope.

These Thessalonian Christians had a sure and certain Expectation in Christ because of the grace given them which was founded in Jesus Christ; His person, His blood and His Righteousness. John Gill

Robertson's Word Pictures persistent unwavering Hope.  or Patience of hope. This means the endurance inspired by hope and sustained by hope despite delays and setbacks.

Patience = [hupomone] from hupo meno = to remain under. "Llke agape this characteristic is to be closely associated with a distinctively Christian virtue. Milligan.

Compare these in Rev 22 works [ergou]; labours [kopon]; and patience [ hupomone]
There is here ans ascending scale of the practical proofs of self-sacrifice.

Jesus is the object of our Hope, especially theHope of His second Coming to take us home when all shall appear before Him in His Glorious Presence.
Christ's Soon Return     https://teologoamateur.wordpress.com/2016/04/12/porque-jesus-nao-voltou-ainda/

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