Explanation of the Text 5. The Relationship of God with us, true Believers

1Th 1:4  knowing as we do, brethren, that you are beloved by God and that He has chosen you.
knowing  is the Greek word [eidotes] coming from [oida] eidon, a so-called causal principal. ie. which means 'since we know'.  RWP.

- that you are beloved by God. 

The perfect passive participle of [agapao]. Meaning "being loved by God with the highest kind of love".RWP

Look at these Scriptures: 
2Th 2:13  And from us thanks are always due to God on your behalf--brethren whom the Lord loves--because God from the beginning has chosen you for salvation through the Spirit's sanctifying influence and your belief in the truth. 

Deu 33:12  And of Benjamin he said, The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by him; and the LORD shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders. 

What a place of security and protection belongs to those who are Beloved of the Lord.

- For He has chosen you.

[ten eklogen humon] [eklegomai] was used by Jesus when He chose the Twelve Jn 15:16. It speaks of the act of God whereby He picked us out. This is speaking of Divine Election as we see in Ephesian 1:4 'even as He, in His love, chose us in Christ before the Creation of the World; that we might be holy, and without blemish in His presence.'
Many times in the N.T. we see God's choice of men.
Acts 9:15 Paul; a chosen instrument of mine.
1Thess 1:4 above the Election was manifested in Christian qualities.
Romans 9:11 God's Electing purpose was based not on their actions but on the will of Him who called them.
Romans 11:5 a remnant whom God in His Grace selected...
Romans 11:7 God's chosen servants have obtained it and the rest have become hardened.
2 peter 1:10 Make sure God has called you and chosen you.
The Selection Process
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God's Chosen People who are beloved of God.
'This is the Wonderful Acts of God made in Christ before the world began; it is His Eternal Choice of them to everlasting life and happiness which springs from His sovereign Will and is the effect of His Pure Love and Favour.' J. Gill We are "the beloved of God."

beloved of the lord אהובה של הלורד Heb.


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