Explanation of the Text. Ch1.5b. The Good News with Power

1.5 The Good News that we brought to you did not come to you in words only, but also with power and with the Holy Spirit and with much certainty,.........

Not with words only.

It was not merely spoken and heard, but it produced a powerful effect in the hearts and lives of those who heard it. They were powerfully converted. Not merely an empty sound. This was not just human wisdom and rhetoric with sound arguments.

But also with power (or in power).

Compare words (logos) and power (dunamis).
1Cor. 2:4 And my speech and my preaching  was not with the enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
1 Cor. 4:20 For the Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
In power (dunamis). Adam Clark, "With the miraculous manifestations to your etes and hearts showing you that this Gospel is the power of God unto Salvation."

And in the Holy Spirit, or 1Cor 2:4 'the demonstration of the Spirit'. 

Demonstration (apodeixis ) :a making manifest, a manifestation or proof.
This is the evidence that only the Holy Spirit can produce of the Divine Origin of the Gospel  Message. It was not based on human reasoning and eloquence.
The Gifts of the Spirit and the Miraculous conversions ehich attended the Preaching of the Good News.

Pastor Aimé Cizeron. Reunion Island and Mauritius
Image result for Photo of Aime Cizeron

Pasteur Aime Cizeron went to Isle de la Reunion in the Indian Ocean
and with a Signs Following Ministry at St Denis after one month had 5, 000
attending his meetings. Jesus was Exalted and Souls were saved.
In Mauritius the Race Course was packed with many miracles with
the salvation of many from a Hindu background. Eventually the Hindu
Government expelled him back to Reunion where over 10% of the
population are now in the Assembly of God.

My wife and I were travelling to Zimbabwe and the Congo via Mauritius
and  Reunion. Our Flight from Perth, Western Australia, was via Air
Mauritius. The Hostess testified that her mother had been bedridden
for two years until she was taken to an Aime Cizeron Meeting in Rosehill
where she was completely healed. The whole family became Christians. She
said of that of all the thousands that had been converted and own Jesus as
their Lord and Saviour, nearly every family had had a Miraculous Intervention
by the Power of God.

We need the Gospel with the Mighty Dunimis (power) of God Evident
in our Meetings. This is the Proof that Jesus is alive and Risen from the dead.


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