Explanation of the Text ch.1:6-7 A Pattern to follow and Model Christians

1Th 1:6  And you followed the pattern set you by us and by the Master, after you had received the Message amid severe persecution, and yet with the joy which the Holy Spirit gives, 
1Th 1:7  so that you became a pattern to all the believers throughout Macedonia and Greece. 

Notes:  You followed the pattern set you by us and our Lord.
You became imitators = Greek (mimetes). They imitated the pattern of living see 1Co 11:1  Be imitators of me, in so far as I in turn am an imitator of Christ. 

and of the Master : The Manner which the Saviour lived was a regular subject of their preaching and practice. A pure, holy life like Jesus shows unbelievers the contrast with their lives and how Holy Jesus was.

after you had received the Message amid severe persecution,  compare Acts 17:5-8
It was in the middle of these trials and persecutions that they were converted to faith in Christ.

and yet with the joy which the Holy Spirit gives, 
with happiness which is produced by the Holy Spirit.
Notes : Joy despite afflictions. No not natural joy which depends on the circumstances by joy generated by the Spirit of God.

They became Model Christians
1Th 1:7  so that you became a pattern to all the believers throughout Macedonia and Greece. 
A pattern [tupon] = an ensample Old English, pl [tupous] from tupto = to strike or to make a mark by a blow or a print (of the nails) Jn 20:25. The figure formed by a blow. . a mould. or form. Romans 6:17, Acts 23:25  The word type is the same.
Barnes Notes :and then a resemblance, figure, pattern, exemplar - a model after which anything is made. This is the meaning here. They became, as it were, a model or pattern after which the piety of others should be moulded, or showed what the piety of others ought to be.

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