Post 8. Outline of 1 Thessalonians

I. Introduction 1.1

II. Thanksgiving for God's Saving Intervention 1:2-10

III. The Apostolic Team as a Pattern for the Thessalonians. 2:1-12

IV. Recapitulation: Why they regularly gave Thanks for the Thessalonian Believers. 2:13-16 with verses 1,2.

V. Paul and Silas's Frustrated Travel plans and a Solution 2:17 - 3:13

VI. Parenthesis: The Gospel Ethic in a gentile Environment. 4:1-12

VII. Instruction about the Return of Christ. 4:13 - 5:11

VIII. Final Exhortations 5:12-22

IX. Conclusion 5:23 -28

Notes from "Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament". Gary S. Shogren


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