Explanation of the Text 1 Thess. 4:8 Rejecting God and His Laws.

1 Thess 4:8 (Berkley) Therefore, the one who rejects this, does not reject man, but God, who has given us His Holy Spirit.
1Th 4:8  (WNT)Therefore a defiant spirit in such a case provokes not man but God, who puts His Holy Spirit into your hearts. 

 Notes :
He who despises or rejects or defies this command in v.6-7, which calls him to live a holy life, is really defying, rejecting and despising God Himself. These are not just human precepts which are not obligatory.  Paul assures them that this is not so.- They are God's Commands;
Image result for Picture of the Holy Spirit in our heart
who puts His Holy Spirit into your hearts.  It is the Holy Spirit which convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgement to Come.. It is by the Spirit who is pure and Holy that we are born again. All true believers have the Holy Spirit in their hearts. He leads us into Holiness of life.
Rom 8:1  There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus; 
Rom 8:2  for the Spirit's Law-- telling of Life in Christ Jesus--has set me free from the Law that deals only with sin and death. 
Rom 8:3  For what was impossible to the Law--powerless as it was because it acted through frail humanity--God effected. Sending His own Son in a body like that of sinful human nature and as a sacrifice for sin, He pronounced sentence upon sin in human nature; 
Rom 8:4  in order that in our case the requirements of the Law might be fully met. For our lives are regulated not by our earthly, but by our spiritual natures. 
Rom 8:5  For if men are controlled by their earthly natures, they give their minds to earthly things. If they are controlled by their spiritual natures, they give their minds to spiritual things. 
Rom 8:6  Because for the mind to be given up to earthly things means death; but for it to be given up to spiritual things means Life and peace. 
Rom 8:7  Abandonment to earthly things is a state of enmity to God. Such a mind does not submit to God's Law, and indeed cannot do so. 
Rom 8:8  And those whose hearts are absorbed in earthly things cannot please God. 
Rom 8:9  You, however, are not devoted to earthly, but to spiritual things, if the Spirit of God is really dwelling in you; whereas if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, such a one does not belong to Him. 


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