Explanation of the text 1 Thess. 5:1-2 The Sudden Destruction on Planet Earth

1Th 5:1  But as to times and dates it is unnecessary that anything be written to you. 
1Th 5:2  For you yourselves know perfectly well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. 

- But as to times and dates it is unnecessary that anything be written to you. 
The Coming of the Lord is sudden, unexpected and at the right and opportune time.
We are warned not to fix dates or times for His Coming.
times = Chronological periods, dates = seasons. 

Act 1:6  Once when they were with Him, they asked Him, "Master, is this the time at which you are about to restore the kingdom of Israel?" 
Act 1:7  "It is not for you," He replied, "to know times or epochs which the Father has reserved within His own authority; 
So don't follow these teachers that seem to fix dates and times.  

1Th 5:2  For you yourselves know perfectly well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. 
- For you know perfectly well = know accurately; with great accuracy and clarity.
that the day of the Lord comes :  suddenly and unexpectedly.

Mat 24:43  But of this be assured, that if the master of the house had known the hour at which the robber was coming, he would have kept awake, and not have allowed his house to be broken into. 
Mat 24:44  Therefore you also must be ready; for it is at a time when you do not expect Him that the Son of Man will come. 

2Pe 3:10  The day of the Lord will come like a thief--it will be a day on which the heavens will pass away with a rushing noise, the elements be destroyed in the fierce heat, and the earth and all the works of man be utterly burnt up. 
2Pe 3:11  Since all these things are thus pre-destined to dissolution, what sort of men ought you to be found to be in all holy living and godly conduct, 

Image result for Picture of a Thief in the night.
Rapture Christ
Thief in the Night    -   The rapture

Rev 3:3  Be mindful, therefore, of the lessons you have received and heard. Continually lay them to heart, and repent. If, however, you fail to rouse yourself and keep awake, I shall come upon you suddenly like a thief, and you will certainly not know the hour at which I shall come to judge you. 


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