Explanation of the Text 1 Thess 5:15-18 Practical Christianity in Action

1Th 5:15  See to it that no one ever repays another with evil for evil; but always seek opportunities of doing good both to one another and to all the world. 
1Th 5:16  Be always joyful. 
1Th 5:17  Be unceasing in prayer. 
1Th 5:18  In every circumstance of life be thankful; for this is God's will in Christ Jesus respecting you.  WNT
Notes : V.15 See to it that no one ever repays another with evil for evil;
Make sure no one pays back wrong for wrong.

D. Barnes NotesThe meaning here is, that we are not to take vengeance; compare notes on Rom_12:17, Rom_12:19. This law is positive, and is universally binding. The moment we feel ourselves acting from a desire to “return evil for evil,” that moment we are acting wrong. It may be right to defend our lives and the lives of our friends; to seek the protection of the law for our persons, reputation, or property, against those who would wrong us; to repel the assaults of calumniators and slanderers, but in no case should the motive be to do them wrong for the evil which they have done us.
but always seek opportunities of doing good both to one another and to all the world. 
Try to be kind NIV.  You are to pursue food with one another; i.e. You are to see to it that you are kind and that there is no retaliation.

1Th 5:16  Be always joyful.   or rejoice always. This must be the continual disposition of the Believer in Jesus Christ. 
Here are three Commands in the Imperative tense.
1. Rejoice always
2. Pray continually (without fail)
3. Give thanks in every and all circumstances.

1Th 3:9  For what thanksgiving on your behalf can we possibly offer to God in return for all the joy which fills our souls before our God for you, 
1Th 3:10  while night and day, with intense earnestness, we pray that we may see your faces, and may bring to perfection whatever may be still lacking in your faith? 
Paul and Silas rejoiced because the Thessalonians had survived all the Satanic Attacks against them 

Gal 5:22  The Spirit, on the other hand, brings a harvest of love, joy, peace; patience towards others, kindness, benevolence; 
Gal 5:23  good faith, meekness, self-restraint. 

Php 3:1  In conclusion, my brethren, be joyful in the Lord.
Php 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, Rejoice! 
Note Jesus Instructions.
Mat 5:10  Blessed are they who have been persecuted for righteousness sake! For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. 
Mat 5:11  Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for My sake. 
Mat 5:12  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for your reward in Heaven is great. For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. 

Rejoice: We must not just bury our feelings but we are told to rejoice despite the circumstances. This is a deliberate CHOICE to express our JOY in the worship of God even in times of Trial. Note Paul and Silas beaten and bruised, singing praises to God in prison at mid-night. Acts 16:25

1Th 5:17  Be unceasing in prayer. WNT (Pray continually)NIV.
Invest your time in regular intense extended prayer. 
Psa 105:4  Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore. 

1Th 5:18  In every circumstance of life be thankful; for this is God's will in Christ Jesus respecting you. 
Rom 15:11  Again the Scriptures say, "Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles. All you nations, come and worship him." 
Live a life of grateful praise to God for His Goodness.
In everything give thanks. Aaamen.!


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