Explanation of the Text: 1 Thess 5:24 Sanctification and the Faithfulness of God

1Th 5:24  Faithful is He who calls you, and He will also perfect His work.  WNT.
i.e. The God who calls you is Faithful, i.e. He will do it.

This is still part of Paul's Prayer for the Thessalonians in v.23 He prays that God would sanctify them wholly or entirely - make them consistently holy.

The God who calls you is Faithful...
The Lord had loved them, and chosen them, "because our Gospel came to you not simply in words only, but also in power (ability, might strength), with the Holy Spirit, and deep conviction. (1:4) - This is how God called them to follow Jesus. Our God is faithful [trustworthy]. He will do what he has promised. He always keeps His promises.
And He will do it.  The Faithful One who set out to bring them to glory will get them completely ready to live with God in His immediate presence where His Shekinah glory shines for all eternity.

God is getting you ready for Heaven and what He has promised HE WILL DO.
God is faithful to His Word, the Bible. His promises are trustworthy. He always does what He says and He always keeps the promises He has made.


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