Explanation of the text: 1 Thess 3:11 Paul's Desires for the Thessalonian Believers
1Thess 3:11 But may our God and Father Himself--and our Lord Jesus--guide us on our way to you; WNT.
3:11 Now may our God and father, Himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you. NIV

Paul at Athens
Notes: This was Paul's continued prayer for the Thessalonians. May God, Himself, even our Father....
" He who is at once our God and our father" clear the way, guide us; direct us.
The "Himself" stands in graphic contrast to the "we" of 1 Thess 2:18 "we desire to come but could not because of Satan's Hindrance; but if God "HIMSELF" directs our way to come to you, (as we pray)' no one can hinder Him, Compare 2 Thess 2:16-17 And may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself--and God our Father who has loved us and has given us in His grace eternal consolation and a bright hope--
2Th 2:17 comfort your hearts and make you steadfast in every good work and word.
May God Himself and our Lord Jesus,
This is a remarkable proof of the UNITY of the FATHER and the SON. cp 2 Thess 2:16-17 above.
Note here that the verb is singular, implying that the subject, the Father and the Son are but one essential being, not merely a unity of will. Shogren.
Many of Paul's Chapters are sealed with a similar prayer.
note 1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 1 :11; 2 Thess 2 :16; 2 Thess 3:5 and 2 Thess 3:16
This Prayer was fulfilled about 5 years later when he returned to Macedonia.
https://youtu.be/C42WAWs13Gg Worthy of a concentrated viewing. Map of Paul's Journeys and Timeline.
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